A better way to phrase your question is: what happens when you meet souls who are part of your own soul? This is a life-changing experience that reveals the immortality of the soul. When one person in the group awakens, they inspire the others to do the same!
As it miraculously has been said by the great mystics…Rabbi Issac Luria refers to the relationship between certain souls in accordance with the place which they originally occupied in the supernal world. There are relationships between souls and even families of souls, which somehow constitute a dynamic whole and react upon one another. -Gate of Reincarnations -These souls have a special aptitude for assisting each other and supplementing each other’s actions and can also by their piety lift up those members of their group who have fallen onto a lower plane and can enable them to start on the return journey to higher forms of existence. — Gershom Scholem- scholar of Jewish Mysticism
XOXO Serena Jade writing from Goa, India
Serena Jade, the author of “Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate Experience”, weaves a captivating tale that transcends time and space. Let me share some insights about this intriguing book:
In this enchanting saga, three soul mates find themselves entangled in a web of destiny. Their past lives were filled with love for horses and fox hunting in Yorkshire, England. Now, reincarnated on the south shore of Long Island, New York, their shared passion for horses and racing draws them together once more…
