On my Quora social media page, I posted an answer about my knowledge on Soul Mates and Twin Flames, one person commented on my post and said:
When I got married, I was highly obsessed with my husband. I thought of him as my twin flame. Now we are separated. It’s confusing.
I respond, Obsession is attachment. Do you know your attachment style? The ultimate state of twin flames is non-attachment. Because when we are emotionally attached our egos are at work, not our souls.
I say this again and again, soul mates are very rare, twin flames are extremely rare. The heighten perception of this newfound twin flames awakening is distorted. "Twin Flame Journey People" have a fantasy bond about twin flames, that goes against any wisdom that was said or written down prior to their existence. I think it is great more people know about twin flames, but it is at a cost. Labeling someone a twin flame without having a prior experience of a soul bond is delusional.
Caroline Myss is a modern person true to spiritual understanding. She hits it right on the nail, as she describes the very fact that the understanding of soul mates and twin flames are just an upgraded version, clothed in a traditional social couple. But the very fact is that soul mates and twin flames implies us to partner at a CONSCIOUS SOUL LEVEL. And having that divinity mirrored back to you, is really what these terms, soul mates and twin flames imply!
"I have long held a belief a soul mate or [twin flame] is just another contemporary romantic term that has been upgraded due to our living in a more spiritual culture. The very term soul mate and or [twin flame] implies a desire to partner with each other at a conscious soul level, instead of a more traditional social level. The term soul mate and [twin flame] indicates that we are seeking a person capable of sharing our divinity."- Caroline M. Myss, PH. D
Are you capable of consciously sharing your divinity with another? Because if you are, we need to be:
"Sufficiently evolved as human beings, then we will be ready for the twin meeting.
An individual must be strong in identity before being able to complement the twin. The two have achieved sufficient security within themselves that they are ready to recognize the other, to stand with the other, and to surmount the inevitable conflicts that arise in the course of human relationships.
The Twin is the Mirror Likeness of the other.
In returning to each other, the twin souls are returning to the source.
This is not like falling in love, falling in love, generally means that one person becomes lost in the other.
The great challenge for Twin Souls is to join in the spiritual heights, where they are one, and bridge those heights with their life together on earth, where they meet as separate human beings.
They are twin souls, not twin persons. They have different psychological backgrounds, a body of different divergent influences, habit patterns and expectations."-Excerpt from Twin Souls: A Guide To Finding Your True Spiritual Partner.
At the present moment, Society’s love functions at the lower levels of Security, Procreation, Sex at the lower level, Power, Co-dependency/dependency and Attachment. These are not the healthy ways of the ego.
True Twin Flames have earned their wings and unplugged from society’s mindset.
Are you ready to unplug from this mindset?
Also, and a Big Also, Karma prevents Twin Souls, to reunite. How serious are you about Twin Souls? Are you ready to set your karma, right?
Serena Jade making her speech on experiencing a true soul mate bond, as she consciously shares her Divinity with Chris, who mirrors back to her his Divinity...